Psychology & Psychiatry

Predicting therapeutic response in depressed teen girls

The risk of developing major depressive disorder (MDD) surges during adolescence–particularly for girls. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) can be an effective treatment, but only about half of girls diagnosed with depression ...

Obstetrics & gynaecology

Endometriosis more common in teenage girls than previously thought

Teenage girls are just as likely to suffer with endometriosis as adult women, a finding which UCL and University of Birmingham researchers say is surprising and could help doctors provide better treatments for younger patients.

Medical research

A case study of three people who massively overdosed on LSD

A pair of Canadian researchers, one with the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies, the other Vancouver Coastal Health, has made headlines with a case study of three people who accidentally massively overdosed ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

When parents should worry about teen girls' selfies

A study of teenage girls' selfie-taking behaviors found that taking and sharing selfies on social media is not linked to poor body image or appearance concerns.

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