Medical research

What lobsters can teach us about immortality

No one likes the thought of getting old, but it seems to be an inevitable part of life. Most species grow, develop and repair damage to their bodies until a certain point in adulthood. After this, the body becomes less capable ...

Medical research

New mechanism extends life of immune system

A new mechanism that slows down and may even prevent the natural aging of immune cells—one of the nine hallmarks of aging—has been identified by an international team led by UCL scientists.


How to remain youthful and resilient despite stress

A bit of stress can be good for your mental and physical wellbeing, but too much can lead to anxiety, depression and other health problems. It can also make you age faster. So learning to become more stress-resilient is important ...

Oncology & Cancer

Investigators uncover cellular pathway involved in cancer growth

The Cedars-Sinai investigators discovered several key components in the control of telomerase reverse transcriptase, or TERT, expression, one of the necessary component proteins of telomerase. High levels of TERT are found ...

Oncology & Cancer

The potential role of 'junk DNA' sequence in aging, cancer

The human body is essentially made up of trillions of living cells. It ages as its cells age, which happens when those cells eventually stop replicating and dividing. Scientists have long known that genes influence how cells ...

Oncology & Cancer

Mutation mechanism discovered for neuroendocrine pancreatic cancer

Although neuroendocrine tumors of the pancreas are rare, the available treatment options are currently limited. Researchers have now managed to identify the mutation mechanism, namely a mutation on the gene that activates ...

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