Medical research

New gene linked to inherited lung disease via disrupted telomerase

Johns Hopkins researchers say they have identified a new disease gene that, when mutated, appears to increase the risk in a small number of people of developing emphysema and a lung-scarring condition known as pulmonary fibrosis.

Medical research

Male hormone reverses cell aging in clinical trial

Telomerase, an enzyme naturally found in cells, is often described as a "cellular elixir of youth." In a recent study, Brazilian and U.S. researchers show that sex hormones can stimulate production of this enzyme.

Medical research

New findings could shed light on cancer, aging

Researchers at the Johns Hopkins University have found molecular evidence of how a biochemical process controls the lengths of protective chromosome tips, a potentially significant step in ultimately understanding cancer ...

Medical research

Anti-aging tricks from dietary supplement seen in mice

In human cells, shortened telomeres, the protective caps at the ends of chromosomes, are both a sign of aging and contribute to it. Scientists at Emory University School of Medicine have found that the dietary supplement ...

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