Medical research

Stabilizing ends of chromosomes could treat age-related disease

A study led by researchers at Baylor College of Medicine has uncovered a new strategy that can potentially treat age-related disease and decline. The study, published in the journal Cell Metabolism, demonstrates that shortening ...

Medical research

Study finds direct oxidative stress damage shortens telomeres

The same sources thought to inflict oxidative stress on cells—pollution, diesel exhaust, smoking and obesity—also are associated with shorter telomeres, the protective tips on the ends of the chromosomal shoelace.

Medical research

Anxiety linked to shortened telomeres, accelerated aging: research

(Medical Xpress) -- Is anxiety related to premature aging? A new study by researchers at Brigham and Women's Hospital (BWH) shows that a common form of anxiety, known as phobic anxiety, was associated with shorter telomeres ...

Medical research

Telomere length unaffected by smoking: study

A new study has surprised the medical world, finding that smoking does not shorten the length of telomeres—a marker at the end of our chromosomes that is widely accepted as an indicator of ageing.

Medical research

New mechanism extends life of immune system

A new mechanism that slows down and may even prevent the natural aging of immune cells—one of the nine hallmarks of aging—has been identified by an international team led by UCL scientists.

Medical research

Racial discrimination accelerates telomere shortening, study finds

An Auburn University-led study indicates that racism may result in tolls related to premature biological aging among African Americans. African Americans who reported more racial discrimination over a 10-year period showed ...

Medical research

Herpes virus rearranges telomeres to improve viral replication

A team of scientists, led by researchers at The Wistar Institute, has found that an infection with herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1) causes rearrangements in telomeres, small stretches of DNA that serve as protective ends to ...

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