
Mexico begins vaccinating seniors against COVID-19

Mexico began vaccinating senior citizens in more than 300 municipalities across the country Monday after receiving some 860,000 doses of the AstraZeneca coronavirus vaccine.

Psychology & Psychiatry

The health benefits of texting

Communication between physicians and other health care providers and their patients may be taking on an entirely new dimension through text messaging, according to David Finitsis, a Ph.D. candidate in clinical psychology ...

Health informatics

Impact of digital health interventions

Digital health interventions—delivered via technologies including text messages, apps and websites—are increasingly common for supporting chronic disease self-care. Although studies have focused on improving patient engagement ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Online or off, bullying proves harmful

Children who are bullied online or by mobile phone are just as likely to skip school or consider suicide as kids who are physically bullied, according to a study led by a Michigan State University criminologist.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Brain training could save distracted drivers from road accidents

(Medical Xpress)—It happens to most of us at some point - our eyes are on the road, our mind starts to wander, and several kilometres down the road we're either snapping out of it ... or involved in a road accident. 

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Cyprus eases second virus lockdown

Cyprus announced Wednesday a cautious easing from February 1 of its national lockdown following a decline in the spread of COVID-19 infections that peaked after Christmas.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Filmmaker David Lynch touts meditation for PTSD

Veteran filmmaker David Lynch says US authorities should use more transcendental meditation to help soldiers returning from Afghanistan with post-traumatic stress disorder.

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