Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Cyprus eases second virus lockdown

Cyprus announced Wednesday a cautious easing from February 1 of its national lockdown following a decline in the spread of COVID-19 infections that peaked after Christmas.


Smtg to think abt: Texting could help reduce teen drinking

Fourteen-year-old Sophia, an eighth-grader in Miami-Dade County, sends her first text at 7:30 a.m. On school nights, her phone is turned off at 10:30 p.m. But in those 15 hours in between, she sends or receives 152 texts ...


Proactive approach encouraged for online patient reviews

(HealthDay)—Most patients are using online reviews as a first step to finding a new doctor, with 65 percent forming an opinion from reading one to six reviews, according to a report published in Medical Economics.


iPod use while driving is dangerously distracting

New road safety research suggests that scrolling through music selections on MP3 players while driving is just as distracting as text messaging or entering details into a navigation system.


Texting heart medication reminders improved patient adherence

Getting reminder texts helped patients take their heart medicines (anti-platelet and cholesterol-lowering drugs) more regularly, according to research presented at the American Heart Association's Scientific Sessions 2013.

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