
Texting may be good for your health

New University of Michigan research says that a simple tool right in your back pocket may help decrease your risk for type 2 diabetes: Text messages on your phone.


Daily text messages improve diabetes outcomes

(HealthDay)—Patients with poorly controlled diabetes have improvements in hemoglobin A1c and medication adherence and fewer trips to the emergency room after receiving daily text messages, according to a study published ...


Texting your way to weight loss

If the idea of keeping a food and exercise diary keeps you from joining a weight-loss program, there may be a better way.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Too much texting can disconnect couples

Couples shouldn't let their thumbs do the talking when it comes to serious conversations, disagreements or apologies.


iPod use while driving is dangerously distracting

New road safety research suggests that scrolling through music selections on MP3 players while driving is just as distracting as text messaging or entering details into a navigation system.


Studying dating abuse in the Internet age

Non-physical abuse by a dating partner such as threats, controlling behavior and harassing text messages can have a serious effect on a teenager's health and well-being, finds new research led by a Michigan State University ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Study finds antisocial texting by teens linked to bad behavior

For American teenagers, most text messaging is as harmless as passing notes, but University of Texas at Dallas researchers have discovered that engaging in antisocial texting can actually predict deviant behavior.

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