Psychology & Psychiatry

Phone attachment linked with mental health stress

Thinking about your mobile when you're not using it, worrying about whether people can reach you and interrupting what you're doing when you're contacted on your phone are linked to increased depression and stress, according ...


Internet, social media expose youth to tobacco

(Medical Xpress)—Tobacco companies are barred by law from advertising their products to children, but researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis have found that many teens and pre-teens are getting ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

The health benefits of texting

Communication between physicians and other health care providers and their patients may be taking on an entirely new dimension through text messaging, according to David Finitsis, a Ph.D. candidate in clinical psychology ...


Study finds texting program good option for teen girls' health

Megan Ranney, M.D., M.P.H., an emergency medicine attending physician at Hasbro Children's Hospital, recently led a study that found a text-message program may be an effective violence prevention tool for at-risk teen girls. ...


Text messaging boosts flu vaccine rates in pregnant women

A study by researchers at the Mailman School of Public Health evaluated the impact of text messaging reminders for influenza vaccine in a low-income obstetric population. The findings showed that sending text messages to ...


20 percent of seventh graders have 'sexted'

(HealthDay)—More than 20 percent of at-risk seventh graders have "sexted" and those middle schoolers were much more likely to also have engaged in some type of sexual behavior, a new study finds.


Teens who 'Sext' don't dwell on consequences

(HealthDay)—"Sexting"—sending out sexually explicit text messages or photos by cellphone—is fairly common among teens, a new Belgian study finds. And peer pressure, the search for romance and trust that the recipient ...

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