Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Azerbaijan reinstates strict lockdown as virus cases surge

Azerbaijan is to reinstate a tight coronavirus lockdown to contain the spread of the disease, officials said Thursday, as infections surged weeks after the country eased restrictions.


US cyberbullying is rising, and girls are bearing the brunt

Rachel Whalen remembers feeling gutted in high school when a former friend would mock her online postings, threaten to unfollow or unfriend her on social media and post inside jokes about her to others online.


New search tools open up access to medical information

The EU-funded KConnect project has developed innovative online medical search and analysis tools, enabling researchers to achieve clearer insights into the effectiveness of specific medical interventions and ultimately leading ...


Alabama parents drive distracted with children in the car

Researchers in the University of Alabama at Birmingham Department of Pediatrics found that Alabama parents living in suburban areas use cellphones in the speaker mode, read and send text messages, and surf the web slightly ...

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