Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

New, faster therapeutic hypothermia techniques

Rapid lowering of body temperature following an acute myocardial infarction (MI) can be an effective therapeutic strategy to minimize damage to the heart muscle caused by the loss and restoration of blood flow to the heart. ...

Oncology & Cancer

Ovarian cancer discovery deepens knowledge of survival outcomes

Researchers in the Women's Cancer Program at Cedars-Sinai's Samuel Oschin Comprehensive Cancer Institute have identified a series of 10 genes that may signify a trifecta of benefits for women diagnosed with ovarian cancer ...

Medical research

Malaria, toxoplasmosis: Toward new lines of research?

A study realized by teams from the Institut Pasteur, the Institut Cochin and the Wellcome Trust Centre for Molecular Parasitology of the University of Glasgow, could redefine part of the present lines of research toward a ...

Oncology & Cancer

Researchers identify proteins that may help brain tumors spread

Scientists at the University of Alabama at Birmingham have identified a molecular pathway that seems to contribute to the ability of malignant glioma cells in a brain tumor to spread and invade previously healthy brain tissue. ...

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