Oncology & Cancer

New approach in the treatment of breast cancer

Scientists at the MedUni Vienna, in collaboration with a working group led by Nancy Hynes at the University of Basel, have discovered a new approach in the treatment of breast cancer: an international team involving the Clinical ...

Oncology & Cancer

Radiotherapy-induced autophagy may enhance modulation of cell cycle

Building on prior success combining Cyclin-Dependent Kinase (CDK) inhibitors with hormone therapy to treat breast cancer, researchers are now exploring the potential integration of CDK inhibitors with radiotherapy in a paper ...

Oncology & Cancer

Scientists use worms to unearth cancer drug targets

Through novel experiments involving small nematode worms, scientists from Wyoming have discovered several genes that may be potential targets for drug development in the ongoing war against cancer. Specifically, researchers ...


'Back-up system' reduces heart disease deaths

Small bypass vessels which act as a 'back-up system' for the heart's main arteries play a significant role in reducing the mortality of patients with coronary artery disease, according to new research.


Telmisartan reverses insulin resistance in mice

(HealthDay)—Treating mice fed a high-fat diet with telmisartan reverses insulin resistance and glucose intolerance, but only when the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-δ (PPAR-δ) gene is present, according to ...

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