Psychology & Psychiatry

Learning spatial terms improves children's spatial skills

Preschool children who hear their parents describe the size and shape of objects and then use those words themselves perform better on tests of their spatial skills, researchers at the University of Chicago have found.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Happiness: All in who you know, goals

An Indiana University study that compared strategies used by extroverted college students and their less socially inclined peers found that happy people who are less outgoing relied less on partying and drinking to be happy ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Education and the brain—what happens when children learn?

Have you lost your house keys recently? If so, you probably applied a spot of logical thinking. You looked first in the most obvious places – bags and pockets – and then mentally retraced your steps to the point when ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Fantasy play helps creative thinking in children

Engaging in fantasy play could benefit creative thinking in children suggests a study presented today at the British Psychological Society's Developmental Psychology Section annual conference.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Does dad time with infants boost babies' IQ?

(HealthDay)—If you're a new father, spending plenty of time with your baby could boost his or her mental development, a new study suggests.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Teachers need greater awareness of language disorders

Greater awareness of 'specific language impairment' (SLI), a language disorder, is needed to ensure better outcomes for the 3-6 per cent of UK school children affected by this disability. Children with SLI have difficulties ...

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Brain stimulation shows promise for Alzheimer's disease in early trial

Scientists in the US have found that electrically stimulating regions of the brain in three people with Alzheimer's disease was safe and appeared to show an effect on thinking skills and day-to-day tasks in two of the volunteers. ...

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