Psychology & Psychiatry

Meta-study shows that the experience of time is altered in depression

Time perception is highly subjective and usually depends on the relevant situation so that, for instance, your sense of how fast or slow time is passing can be influenced by whether you are waiting for something or if a deadline ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Feeling entitled makes dull tasks drag on

(Medical Xpress) -- People who feel entitled may think performing dull tasks is a waste of their precious time, resulting in a perception that time passes slowly, according to a new University of Michigan study.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Who really hit the basketball out of bounds?

The shot clock reads 5, and a win forces a game 7. Two hands outstretched as the players—one in royal blue and yellow, the other black—hurtle towards the edge of the court. The ball sails out of bounds, and the play ends. ...


How the brain perceives time

What happens in the brain when listening to the rhythmic pace of a song, or when waiting for a traffic light to turn green? For the first time, an imaging study shows that a time map exists in a specific area of the human ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Distorted passage of time during the COVID-19 lockdown

A survey conducted in the U.K. suggests that social and physical distancing measures put in place during the COVID-19 pandemic significantly impacted people's perception of how quickly time passed compared to their pre-lockdown ...

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