
Scalable representation of time in the hippocampus

Hippocampal time cells can encode specific moments of organized experiences in time to support hippocampal functions of episodic memory. But little is known about the reorganization of time cells during timely changes of ...


How your brain remembers what you had for dinner last night

Confirming earlier computational models, researchers at University of California San Diego and UC San Diego School of Medicine, with colleagues in Arizona and Louisiana, report that episodic memories are encoded in the hippocampus ...


Researchers find neural signature of 'mental time travel'

Almost everyone has experienced one memory triggering another, but explanations for that phenomenon have proved elusive. Now, University of Pennsylvania researchers have provided the first neurobiological evidence that memories ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Covid treatment gaps highlight persistent health care challenges

Millions of Americans don't have easy access to facilities that dispense oral antiviral treatments for COVID-19, according to a new Yale study. In some parts of the country, researchers found, people have to travel 30 minutes ...

Obstetrics & gynaecology

Model shows where women lost access to abortion after Dobbs

A third of American women of reproductive age now face excessive travel times to obtain an abortion, according to a new geospatial analysis by researchers in San Francisco and Boston that is one of the first to model the ...


How does the brain make memories?

In a study led by Cedars-Sinai, researchers have discovered two types of brain cells that play a key role in dividing continuous human experience into distinct segments that can be recalled later. The discovery provides new ...


Sodium found to regulate the biological clock of mice

A new study from McGill University shows that increases in the concentrations of blood sodium can have an influence on the biological clock of mice, opening new research avenues for potentially treating the negative effects ...


Could AI help us prepare for the next pandemic?

The first time Elizabeth Ondula thought about using technology to improve public health was when she faced a personal tragedy during the COVID-19 pandemic. Her father died and she was unable to travel for his burial due to ...

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