Medical research

Scientists create human sperm in lab, but does it work?

French researchers said Thursday they had patented a method to create sperm using stem cells harvested from infertile men—though they do not know if the lab-fabricated seed actually works.

Medical research

Scientists discover a new blood platelet formation mechanism

Thrombocytopenia is a disease characterised by a lower platelet level than normal. Platelets are tiny cells that participate in the coagulation of blood. Patients usually suffer uncontrolled bleeding that gives rise to hematomas ...

Oncology & Cancer

Research offers promising new approach to treatment of lung cancer

Researchers have developed a new drug delivery system that allows inhalation of chemotherapeutic drugs to help treat lung cancer, and in laboratory and animal tests it appears to reduce the systemic damage done to other organs ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Cocaine vaccine passes key testing hurdle

Researchers at Weill Cornell Medical College have successfully tested their novel anti-cocaine vaccine in primates, bringing them closer to launching human clinical trials. Their study, published online by the journal Neuropsychopharmacology, ...

Medical research

Estrogen fuels autoimmune liver damage

A life-threatening condition that often requires transplantation and accounts for half of all acute liver failures, autoimmune hepatitis is often precipitated by certain anesthetics and antibiotics. Researchers say these ...


Alcohol kills brain cells: Addressing a medical myth

Do you ever wake up with a raging hangover and picture the row of brain cells that you suspect have have started to decay? Or wonder whether that final glass of wine was too much for those tiny cells, and pushed you over ...

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