Medical research

Scientists create one-step gene test for mitochondrial diseases

More powerful gene-sequencing tools have increasingly been uncovering disease secrets in DNA within the cell nucleus. Now a research team is expanding those rapid next-generation sequencing tests to analyze a separate source ...

Medical research

New findings on the workings of the inner ear

The sensory cells of the inner ear have tiny hairs called stereocilia that play a critical part in hearing. It has long been known that these stereocilia move sideways back and forth in a wave-like motion when stimulated ...

Medical research

Solving the mystery of blood clotting

How and when our blood clots is one of those incredibly complex and important processes in our body that we rarely think about. If your blood doesn't clot and you cut yourself, you could bleed to death, if your blood clots ...

Oncology & Cancer

Energy network within cells may be new target for cancer therapy

Mitochondria, tiny structures within each cell that regulate metabolism and energy use, may be a promising new target for cancer therapy, according to a new study. Manipulation of two biochemical signals that regulate the ...

Medical research

Engineering cartilage replacements

A lab discovery is a step toward implantable replacement cartilage, holding promise for knees, shoulders, ears and noses damaged by osteoarthritis, sports injuries and accidents.

Oncology & Cancer

Discovery helps explain why chemo causes drop in platelet numbers

Scientists at the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute have identified a way that chemotherapy causes platelet numbers to drop, answering in the process a decade-old question about the formation of platelets, tiny cells that allow ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Is tinnitus causing that ringing in your ear?

Have you ever experienced a constant ringing in your ears that you can't pinpoint the cause? It might be tinnitus—the sensation of hearing a sound when no external sound is present. In most cases, tinnitus can be managed, ...

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