Medical research

Dynamics of DNA packaging helps regulate formation of heart

A new regulator for heart formation has been discovered by studying how embryonic stem cells adjust the packaging of their DNA. This approach to finding genetic regulators, the scientists say, may have the power to provide ...


Diabetes may weaken teeth and promote tooth decay

People with both type 1 and type 2 diabetes are prone to tooth decay, and a new study from Rutgers may explain why: Reduced strength and durability of enamel and dentin, the hard substance under enamel that gives structure ...


Self-assembled particle gel for promoting blood vessel formation

NIMS has developed a low-cost self-assembled particle-based injectable gel for promoting blood vessel formation—a regenerative medicine process vital in cell and tissue transplantation. This material may be used as an effective, ...


A new approach for finding Alzheimer's treatments

Considering what little progress has been made finding drugs to treat Alzheimer's disease, Maikel Rheinstädter decided to come at the problem from a totally different angle—perhaps the solution lay not with the peptide ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

New mechanism activates bone-building cells in osteoperosis

The number of osteoporosis medications that promote bone formation are few compared to those that suppress bone resorption. A research group led by Kumamoto University scientists has discovered that the gene SIRT7 is important ...

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