Medical research

Gut microbe battles obesity

(Medical Xpress)—Akkermansia muciniphila is one of the many microbes that live in our intestines. This bacterium, which feeds on the intestine's mucus lining, comprises between 3 and 5 percent of the gut microbes of healthy ...

Medical research

Organovo has 3D-printed liver tissue for drug testing

(Medical Xpress)—The commercial release of 3D printed liver tissue was announced earlier this week. Organovo is the company behind the release. The product is intended for use for preclinical drug discovery testing to see ...

Medical research

Spinal cord stem cells can help repair after injury

Spinal cord injury often leads to permanent functional impairment. In a new study published in the journal Science researchers at Karolinska Institutet in Sweden show that it is possible to stimulate stem cells in the mouse ...

Oncology & Cancer

Covert inflammation may trigger many forms of cancer

A previously unidentifiable type of low-grade inflammation may explain why common anti-inflammatory drugs such as aspirin have shown promise against some types of cancer – even when patients don't display typical signs ...


Matters of the heart: Researchers create 3-D beating heart

Matters of the heart can be complicated, but York University scientists have found a way to create 3D heart tissue that beats in synchronized harmony, like a heart in love, that will lead to better understanding of cardiac ...

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