
Tobacco ad blitz as New Zealand plans branding ban

British American Tobacco (BAT) launched an advertising campaign in New Zealand Wednesday opposing plans to introduce plain packaging, in a move the government immediately dismissed as a waste of money.


Plain packets loom but puff left in Tobacco Inc.

Health advocates declared a "brave new world of tobacco control" following Australia's historic packaging victory over the cigarette industry, but analysts warn that smoking is far from a dying trade.


Big Tobacco crashes at first legal hurdle on plain packaging

Australia's High Court dismissed the plain tobacco packaging case brought against the Australian government by the world's largest tobacco companies. The companies had challenged the government's new law - due to be fully ...


Australian court OKs logo ban on cigarette packs

(AP) — Australia's highest court on Wednesday upheld the world's toughest law on cigarette promotion, meaning tobacco companies will be prohibited from displaying their logos on cigarette packs that will instead feature ...


Soda companies' PR campaigns are bad for health: experts

Health advocates need to organize strong public health campaigns to educate the public and policymakers about the dangers of both sugary beverages and the misleading industry corporate social responsibility campaigns that ...


Quebec sues tobacco industry for Can$60 bn (Update)

The Canadian province of Quebec announced Friday that it is suing tobacco giants for more than $60 billion dollars in a bid to recover health care costs associated with smoking-related illnesses.


Smokescreen lifted on tobacco industry tactics

(Medical Xpress) -- A new report published today (Thursday) reveals how tobacco companies worked to prevent the strengthening of European tobacco legislation such as  improvements to tobacco labelling and the removal ...

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