
Expert calls for reforms to address the overdose crisis

At the end of 2022, the federal government eliminated the "X waiver," a major hurdle to providing addiction treatment, but progress needs to be continued, according to the authors of a new Perspective piece published in the ...

Gerontology & Geriatrics

Investigating use of voice assistant devices by older adults

Older adults use voice assistant devices more often with training and flyers with instructions to complement their daily routine, according to a new University of Michigan study that looked at long-term usage. The findings ...


Is your exercise program heart-healthy?

You're getting to the gym regularly. Meeting your friends for a walk around the block. Maybe aerobics class is your go-to exercise. But is your exercise program the best for your heart health?


Changing up your fitness routine could help maximize results

Having a structured and consistent workout routine makes a difference in the results you see from working out. But sticking to the same routine for too long can lead you to stop seeing progress as you hit a plateau in your ...


Research network yields significant findings related to obesity

The Strategically Focused Research Network (SFRN) on Obesity has published its findings in a Journal of the American Heart Association special report, which hails the group's work as "the beginning of innovative science, ...

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