Oncology & Cancer

Gene network for leukemia factor

Transcription factors—proteins that regulate gene expression—play critical roles in cell fate decisions and are frequent targets of mutation in a variety of human cancers. Understanding how transcription factors contribute ...


Missed signals? A new way we vary from each other biologically

Genetics has made huge strides over the past 20 years, from the sequencing of the human genome to a growing understanding of factors that turn genes on and off, namely transcription factors and the DNA "enhancer" sequences ...

Medical research

Researchers provide novel insights into human skin aging

In human, the skin is one of the organs that exhibit early-onset aging-associated dysfunction. As a critical physical barrier, the skin is composed of a variety of cell types including fibroblasts and keratinocytes. Due to ...


The making of memory B cells and long-term immune responses

The current COVID-19 climate has made vaccines, antibodies and immune responses topics of everyday conversation. Now, it isn't just immunologists who want to know how our bodies respond to re-infections months, years, or ...


Scientists map genes controlling immune system 'brakes'

Unlike most T cells, which launch immune responses against foreign molecules, regulatory T cells are the peacekeepers of the human immune system, damping down inflammatory reactions when they're not needed. Now, researchers ...

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