Medical research

Identifying molecular culprits underlying organ rejection

Investigators have identified how the immune system can regulate organ rejection in mice, findings which may prove useful for improving transplant tolerance in humans, according to a recent study published in the Journal ...


Gene mutation may explain why some don't get sick from COVID-19

People who contract COVID-19 but never develop symptoms—the so-called super dodgers—may have a genetic ace up their sleeve. They're more than twice as likely as those who become symptomatic to carry a specific gene variation ...

Medical research

AI brings hope for patients with lysosomal storage disease

Artificial intelligence is becoming increasingly important in drug discovery. Advances in the use of Big Data, learning algorithms and powerful computers have now enabled researchers at the University of Zurich (UZH) to better ...


Trim the sugar: New HIV vaccine design improves immune response

A new HIV vaccine from Scripps Research has shown a significantly improved ability to neutralize the virus in preclinical tests, and it will soon be studied in healthy people who volunteer to participate in clinical trials.

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