Psychology & Psychiatry

New therapy for trauma survivors

A newly developed transdiagnostic psychotherapy, called the Common Elements Treatment Approach (CETA), is effective for reducing mental health symptoms among Burmese trauma survivors living in Thailand, according to a study ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Stop and frisk linked with trauma and stress, sociology study finds

Young men stopped and questioned in New York City by police are reporting higher levels of trauma and stress associated with those experiences, particularly when they report that the encounters were intrusive, according to ...


Intervention for NICU moms reduces their trauma, anxiety

(HealthDay)—An intervention aimed at reducing parental trauma and redefining the parental experience for those with very premature newborns is both feasible and cost-effective, according to a study published online Sept. ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Writing can be a therapy after a traumatic stress

This study demonstrates that writing therapy resulted in significant and substantial short-term reductions in post traumatic symptoms (PTS) and comorbid depressive symptoms. Writing therapy is an evidence-based treatment ...

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