
Broken gene found to protect against heart disease

By scouring the DNA of thousands of patients, researchers at the Broad Institute, Massachusetts General Hospital, and their colleagues have discovered four rare gene mutations that not only lower the levels of triglycerides, ...


Cinnamon cuts blood glucose levels in diabetes patients

(HealthDay)—Consumption of cinnamon is associated with favorable reductions in plasma glucose and lipid levels, according to research published in the September/October issue of the Annals of Family Medicine.


Intensive glucose control improves CVD risk factors

(HealthDay)—Intensive glucose-lowering therapy (INT) is associated with favorable changes in lipoprotein levels and inflammatory risk factors even though it does not lower the incidence of cardiovascular events, according ...


Cholesterol levels rise, fall with changing seasons

Cholesterol levels seem to fluctuate significantly with the turning seasons, which may leave some people with borderline high cholesterol at greater cardiovascular risk during the winter months, according to research being ...


Midway waist circumference better than iliac crest measure

(HealthDay)—Waist circumference measured midway (WC-mid) between the lowest ribs and the iliac crest better defines risks associated with central obesity than does waist circumference measured at the iliac crest (WC-IC), ...

Medical research

Low testosterone levels affect total lipid oxidation

(HealthDay)—Very low testosterone levels impact total lipid oxidation but have no effect on the production of very-low-density lipoprotein-triglycerides (VLDL-TGs), according to a study published online Nov. 27 in Diabetes.

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