Overweight & Obesity

The Fat Chip: Controlling obesity the smart way

(Medical Xpress)—Gastric banding, a common surgery to reduce obesity, leaves much to be desired. Typically, the patient is left with a feeling of constant hunger. Stimulators implanted in the feeding centers of the brain, ...


FGF21, dietary intake interaction impacts adiposity

(HealthDay)—Fibroblast growth factor 21 (FGF21) genotypes may interact with dietary macronutrient intake to affect central adiposity and body fat composition, according to a study published online Aug. 31 in Diabetes Care.

Medical research

A novel method for the rapid repair of peripheral nerve injuries

Each year, hundreds of thousands of people worldwide suffer from peripheral nerve injuries, which often leave them with long-term disabilities. The peripheral nervous system is analogous to the circulatory system; a network ...

Oncology & Cancer

Mohs effective for melanoma in situ of trunk, extremities

(HealthDay)—Mohs micrographic surgery is efficacious for melanoma in situ (MIS) on the trunk and proximal extremities, with a margin of 9 mm needed to excise 97 percent of MIS, according to a study published in the November ...