Oncology & Cancer

What elephants teach us about cancer prevention

Every time a cell divides, there is a chance for a mutation (mistake) to occur in the DNA - the substance that carries genetic information in all living organisms. These mutations can lead to cancer.

Oncology & Cancer

Waking up dormant tumour suppressor genes

A drug-free cancer treatment could teach our genes to destroy the disease from within, according to Western Australian medical researchers.

Oncology & Cancer

New insights into potent cancer tumour suppressor gene

New insight into the function of a gene important in the suppression of cancer is published today. Researchers at the National University of Ireland Galway have shown that the TP53 gene has even greater anti-cancer activity ...

Oncology & Cancer

Some heart drugs and antibiotics show effective in fighting cancer

North American researchers have identified drugs that showed promising perspectives in treating cancers, according to a recent study published in Cancer Research. These drugs are normally used to treat other diseases, such ...

Oncology & Cancer

Brazil's cancer curse

The startling discovery that hundreds of thousands of Brazilians have a genetic mutation that undermines their ability to resist cancer is helping labs worldwide in their search for new treatments for the disease. Sue Armstrong ...

Oncology & Cancer

Tumour suppressor genes curb growth in neighbouring cells

Researchers at IRB Barcelona unravel a role for tumour suppressor genes in restricting the growth of neighbouring cell populations. The study, published yesterday in PloS Biology, might have implications for understanding ...

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