Oncology & Cancer

Vandetanib doesn't up survival in non-small-cell lung cancer

(HealthDay) -- Vandetanib does not improve overall survival for patients who have received previous treatment for advanced non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC), according to a study published online Feb. 27 in the Journal of ...

Oncology & Cancer

Options increase for CML patients failed by existing drugs

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) this month expanded the options for patients with chronic myeloid leukemia and one form of acute lymphoblastic leukemia that carries the Philadelphia chromosome (Ph+ALL). It approved ...

Oncology & Cancer

Decreasing DNA repair and genomic instability

The journal Oncotarget has published "Pim kinase inhibitor co-treatment decreases alternative non-homologous end-joining DNA repair and genomic instability induced by topoisomerase 2 inhibitors in cells with FLT3 internal ...

Medical research

Lean despite many calories

Metabolism experts are increasingly convinced that obesity and many of the pathogenic changes it entails, such as Metabolic Syndrome and type 2 diabetes, are a result of chronic inflammatory processes in fatty (adipose) tissue. ...

Oncology & Cancer

Inhibited Tyk2 retains anti-cancer activity

Tyrosine kinase 2 (Tyk2) is an enzyme involved in intracellular signalling and has an important role in activating the immune system. But enzymatically active Tyk2 can also promote excessive immune reactions and growth of ...

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