Obstetrics & gynaecology

Ultrasound effective for diagnosing localized breast lumps, pain

Ultrasound is an effective standalone diagnostic method in patients with focal breast complaints, according to a study published in Radiology. Focal breast complaints can refer to pain, lumps, nipple discharge or other symptoms ...

Obstetrics & gynaecology

At-home care of painful endometriosis

Patients with painful endometriosis can help reclaim their lives by managing flare-ups at home and getting medical care, a specialist in women's health assures.

Radiology & Imaging

New 3D ultrasound may improve accuracy of liver cancer treatment

A simulated study by researchers at Western University and Lawson Health Research Institute has found a new system that uses ultrasound to construct 3D-images could make treatment of liver cancer, using thermal ablation, ...

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