Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Thais probe babies with microcephaly for Zika link (Update)

Thai doctors are running tests to see whether Zika was the cause of microcephaly in two babies whose mothers are infected with the mosquito-borne virus, a health official said Wednesday.


Pregnant women shouldn't vape

E-cigarettes are increasingly popular, and adult women of childbearing age are the most common users. This is especially true in Kentucky, which has the country's second highest rate of smoking during pregnancy. Many women ...


Indian minister wants compulsory prenatal sex tests

India's children's minister has called for mandatory tests to determine the sex of an unborn child to try to counter high levels of female foeticide, sparking fierce criticism Tuesday from women's activists.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Microcephaly: What is happening to the babies?

Pregnant women are being urged to think twice before travelling to Latin American and Caribbean countries battling a rise in cases of microcephaly—a rare but brutal condition that shrinks the brains of unborn babies.

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