Psychology & Psychiatry

When can ads intensify unhealthy cravings?

The obesity epidemic is no longer strictly an American problem. Statistics suggest that many populations around the world are increasingly prone to overeating and excessive weight gain.


How other people's looks affect what we eat

When you next pop into a café for a snack or lunch, you may not be aware of how your food choice is influenced by the appearance of the waitress or waiter.


The bad habits that lead to weight gain

(HealthDay)—It's no secret that weight gain results from consuming too many calories. But at its core is an imbalance of healthy and unhealthy habits.


Multiple screen use affects snack choices

Using multiple screen devices simultaneously while snacking may influence food choices, according to a new Michigan State University study.


Food cues undermine healthy eating choices

Obesity has become a major health issue due to the current 'obesogenic' environment in which unhealthy food is both easy and cheap to purchase. As a result, many (government) organisations encourage healthy eating habits ...

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