
TV ads still push unhealthy foods at kids

(HealthDay)—The number of food ads targeting American children has declined, but most of the ads they do see are for unhealthy foods, a new study finds.


Pricing interventions increase sales, intake of healthy foods

(HealthDay)—Pricing interventions seem to improve access to healthy food and beverage options with increases in stocking and sales of these items, according to a review published online Nov. 2 in Preventing Chronic Disease.

Psychology & Psychiatry

The downside of knowing too much about our genes

Self-knowledge is a goal greatly prized by mystics and philosophers. However, too much knowledge about one's own genes can lead to some adverse psychological consequences, two new Yale-led research projects have found.

Overweight & Obesity

This is why child obesity rates have soared

New data on almost 13 million people, from 200 countries around the world, points to a tenfold increase in rates of obesity among children and adolescents over the last four decades. This is the largest study of its kind ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Unhealthy cravings curbed by smartphone treatment

What if an app could recognise when you are craving unhealthy food and give you a notification to warn you not to eat it? Researchers in the EU are working to make this a reality for those with eating disorders.

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