
New gut-brain circuits found for sugar and fat cravings

Understanding why we overeat unhealthy foods has been a long-standing mystery. While we know food's strong power influences our choices, the precise circuitry in our brains behind this is unclear. The vagus nerve sends internal ...


How commercial actors influence and impact health and society

Commercial actors can contribute positively to health and society, and many do, providing essential products and services. However, some of these actors are escalating avoidable levels of ill health, damage to the planet, ...


Can food taxes and subsidies improve health outcomes?

Globally, millions of deaths every year can be attributed to bad diets, and these numbers are rising. These deaths are preventable, and one strategy to encourage consumers to make healthier choices is through fiscal policy, ...


Salad or cheeseburger? Your co-workers shape your food choices

The foods people buy at a workplace cafeteria may not always be chosen to satisfy an individual craving or taste for a particular food. When co-workers are eating together, individuals are more likely to select foods that ...


Taste buds may play role in fostering obesity in offspring

Cornell food scientists show in animal studies that a mother's high-fat diet may lead to more sweet-taste receptors and a greater attraction to unhealthy food in their offspring—resulting in poor feeding behavior, obesity ...

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