Psychology & Psychiatry

LGB students at higher risk of self-harm

University students who are Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual (LGB) are at higher risk of self-harm and attempting suicide than their heterosexual counterparts, finds new research.

Medical research

Could thyroid screening make your baby smarter?

Maternal thyroid hormones are critical for fetal brain development, but levels are frequently abnormal in women of childbearing age. Correcting symptomatic cases protects both mother and baby from complications—and according ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Significant increase in mental health conditions among US students

University students in the US are showing increasingly higher rates of diagnosis for a range of mental health conditions, potentially putting their academic success at risk, suggests new research published in the Journal ...


What your cell phone camera tells you about your brain

Driving down a dark country road at night, you see a shape ahead on the roadside. Is it a deer or a mailbox? Your brain is structured to make the best possible decision given its limited resources, according to new research ...


Great minds may think alike, but all minds look alike

The brain is a complex network containing many billions of neurons. Each neuron is connected to thousands of others via links (synapses) which can be strong or weak. A strong link indicates a significant influence between ...

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