Oncology & Cancer

Parents risk skin cancer by not practising what they preach

Forty per cent of UK parents (which equates to around 4.5 million) of children aged 16 or under admit they often forget to protect their skin in strong sun because they are concentrating on protecting their children instead, ...

Medical research

Study discovers molecular control hub for skin inflammation

Inflammatory reactions in the skin can reduce damage from UV radiation or infections, but can also result in painful symptoms such as sunburn. A recent study at the University of Bonn and the University Hospital Bonn has ...

Oncology & Cancer

Outdoor workers face increased cancer risk

(Medical Xpress)—Perth researchers have completed a comprehensive study into Australian workers and their exposure to ultraviolet radiation - a known human carcinogen.

Oncology & Cancer

How much sun can (and should) I get?

As we slide of out summer, you might be wondering how careful you need to be about sun exposure. Excessive exposure causes skin cancer, but sun exposure also has benefits. How do you balance the two?


Does expired sunscreen still work?

It's that time of year when everyone's looking forward to some fun in the sun. Too much sun can be dangerous, though. Exposure to UV radiation from the sun damages your skin, and children are especially vulnerable because ...


How long does it take for skin to repair after sun exposure?

It's impossible to avoid the Aussie sun entirely, but Australians are well aware of the dangers of too much exposure. Some 40 years of Slip Slop Slap (and more recently added, Seek and Slide) campaigns have reinforced this, ...

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