
Do fish oil supplements really boost your health?

Stroll past the supplements in any drugstore and you'll find broad claims about fish oil helping everything from heart and brain health, to joints, eyes and immune systems. But you just might be wasting your money, according ...


Does coconut oil live up to the hype?

Every month there seems to be a new "superfood" that is promoted heavily on the Internet and TV talk shows and endorsed by semi-celebrities. But rarely has a food gone through as dramatic a transformation from dietary villain ...


Omega-3 fatty acids linked with slower progression of ALS

Consuming omega-3 fatty acids—particularly alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), a nutrient found in foods including flaxseeds, walnuts, and chia, canola and soybean oils—may help slow the progression of disease in patients with ...


Best cooking fats for healthy cholesterol levels

Are you trying to remember which fat is the good fat to use in the kitchen? If you are confused about whether to use unsaturated fats, polyunsaturated, monounsaturated or saturated fats when cooking, it's understandable. ...


Why you still need omega-3 fatty acids

(HealthDay)—After vitamins and minerals, fish oil with its omega-3 fatty acids is the most widely used supplement, taken by an estimated 10% of Americans.


Time to rethink your vegetable oil?

Risk of heart disease and diabetes may be lowered by a diet higher in a lipid found in grapeseed and other oils, but not in olive oil, a new study suggests.

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