
Magnesium may modestly lower blood pressure

Magnesium, an essential element in the human body, may modestly lower blood pressure, according to research published in the American Heart Association's journal Hypertension.


Changing our understanding of consciousness

Measuring and defining consciousness has been an ongoing challenge for neuroscientists, philosophers and psychologists for centuries. The concept of levels of consciousness is mostly theoretical, limiting the abilities of ...


Brain scans reveal hidden consciousness in patients

A standard brain scanning technique is showing promise for helping doctors distinguish between patients in a vegetative state and those with hidden signs of consciousness.


Could a beetroot a day keep the doctor at bay?

A QUT study is underway to discover whether beetroot juice could be a new 'super food' to improve vascular health, including blood coagulation and boosting immune cells, in older people and volunteers are wanted to take part.


Serious video games may help increase fruit and vegetable intake

Few US children meet daily recommended amounts of fruit and vegetables, making fruit and vegetable consumption an important issue for researchers. Eating adequate amounts of these foods is not only ideal for a healthy lifestyle, ...

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