Psychology & Psychiatry

Addictive gaming to be recognised as disease: WHO

"Gaming disorder" will be recognised as a disease later this year following expert consensus over the addictive risks associated with playing electronic games, the World Health Organization said Friday.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Video games can change your brain

Scientists have collected and summarized studies looking at how video games can shape our brains and behavior. Research to date suggests that playing video games can change the brain regions responsible for attention and ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Videogame addiction linked to ADHD

Young and single men are at risk of being addicted to video games. The addiction indicates an escape from ADHD and psychiatric disorder.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Internet and video game addiction needs better treatment

(Medical Xpress)—University of Adelaide researchers are shedding light on the unique problems of video and internet gaming addiction, and say there's strong evidence to suggest that new treatments should be developed for ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Is it possible to have Internet addiction?

Is there really such a disorder as "Internet addiction"? In my estimation, the short, honest answer is, "We don't know enough to say for sure." Part of the problem is the ambiguity in—and disagreement over—the terms "addicted" ...

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