Oncology & Cancer

Cell receptor could allow measles virus to target tumors

Canadian researchers have discovered that a tumor cell marker is a receptor for measles virus, suggesting the possible use of measles virus to help fight cancer. Their findings appear in the Open Access journal PLoS Pathogens ...

Medical research

Familiar drugs may block Ebola virus infection

A well-known class of molecules, many of which are already in use therapeutically, may be able to block the Ebola virus's entry into cells and halt the disease in its tracks, according to researchers at the University of ...

Medical research

Lassa virus uses unexpected two-step mechanism to enter cells

(Medical Xpress)—The Lassa virus is a dangerous microbe. Endemic to West Africa and spread by a rodent, it causes infections in humans that can lead to a severe and deadly hemorrhagic fever. There are an estimated 500,000 ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

How herpesviruses shape the immune system

Cytomegalovirus is widespread and remains in the body for a lifetime after infection. In healthy individuals, this virus is usually kept in check, but can become dangerous when the immune system is weakened or during pregnancy. ...


Immune cells engineered in lab to resist HIV infection

Researchers at the Stanford University School of Medicine have found a novel way to engineer key cells of the immune system so they remain resistant to infection with HIV, the virus that causes AIDS.

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