
Potential genetic markers of multiple sclerosis severity

In a bid to determine factors linked to the most debilitating forms of multiple sclerosis (MS), Johns Hopkins Medicine researchers say they have identified three so-called "complement system" genes that appear to play a role ...


Third of children who need glasses aren't wearing them

It's a problem many teachers are familiar with, a student apparently struggling in class, but in fact just suffering from something that's easily fixed—vision problems—with an inexpensive pair of glasses.


Q&A: When can cataract surgery wait?

Dear Mayo Clinic: I was just diagnosed with a cataract, but it's not bothering me at all. Is it a good idea to have cataract surgery now, or can I wait? What is the recovery from this surgery like?


With single gene insertion, blind mice regain sight

It was surprisingly simple. University of California, Berkeley, scientists inserted a gene for a green-light receptor into the eyes of blind mice and, a month later, they were navigating around obstacles as easily as mice ...

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