
We need to fine-tune our 'maps' of the visual cortex, study shows

Monkey brain scans have revealed new information about the brain structure that processes visual information. The findings were recently presented in PNAS by neurophysiologists Qi Qhu (KU Leuven) and Wim Vanduffel (KU Leuven/ ...


Sound changes the way rodents sense touch

The brain assigns sensory information from the eyes, ears and skin to different regions: the visual cortex, auditory cortex and somatosensory cortex. However, it is clear that there are anatomical connections between these ...


Scientists reverse a sensory impairment in mice with autism

Using a genetic technique that allows certain neurons in the brain to be switched on or off, UCLA scientists reversed a sensory impairment in mice with symptoms of autism, enabling them to learn a sensory task as quickly ...


Why it doesn't get dark when you blink

People blink every five seconds. During this brief moment, no light falls on the retina, yet people continue to observe a stable picture of the environment with no intervals of darkness. Caspar Schwiedrzik and Sandrin Sudmann, ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Babies can use context to look for things, study demonstrates

Just six months into the world, babies already have the capacity to learn, remember and use contextual cues in a scene to guide their search for objects of interest, such as faces, a new Brown University study shows.


Deep sleep critical for visual learning

Remember those "Magic Eye" posters from the 1990s? You let your eyes relax, and out of the tessellating structures, a 3-D image of a dolphin or a yin yang or a shark would emerge.

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