
Research on the visual rabbit illusion takes a leap forward

Researchers from Kyushu University have uncovered new variations to a traditional illusion, based on how we perceive the motion of flashing lights. Published on May 21 in i-Perception, the findings show that when three light ...


Researchers discover how the brain learns from subconscious stimuli

Researchers uncovered for the first time what happens in animals' brains when they learn from subconscious, visual stimuli. In time, this knowledge can lead to new treatments for a number of conditions. The study, a collaboration ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

What you know can affect how you see

Objects—everything from cars, birds and faces to letters of the alphabet—look significantly different to people familiar with them, a new study suggests.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Visual clues we use during walking and when we use them

(Medical Xpress)—A trio of researchers with the University of Texas and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute has discovered which phase of visual information processing during human walking is used most to guide the feet accurately. ...

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