Psychology & Psychiatry

Study finds nothing so sweet as a voice like your own

Have you ever noticed that your best friends speak the same way? A new University of British Columbia study finds we prefer voices that are similar to our own because they convey a soothing sense of community and social belongingness.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Your spouse's voice is easier to hear—and easier to ignore

With so many other competing voices, having a conversation on a bustling subway or at a crowded cocktail party takes a great deal of concentration. New research suggests that the familiar voice of a spouse stands out against ...

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Technology to detect Alzheimer's takes SXSW prize

Technology capable of diagnosing Alzheimer's disease long before its symptoms appear won a coveted honor for innovation at the South by Southwest (SXSW) festival.

Psychology & Psychiatry

English or Greek, toddlers watch the tone

(Medical Xpress) -- Infants can understand the difference between intentional and accidental actions from tone of voice alone, new research by the Cardiff University School of Psychology has shown.

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