
Educating women about heart attacks could save lives

Heart attacks in women go largely unrecognized 30 to 55 percent of the time and those who miss the warning signs and fail or delay getting help, run the risk of death or grave disability. But researchers at Binghamton University ...

Attention deficit disorders

FDA warns of dangerous erections from ADHD drugs

The Food and Drug Administration is warning that a stimulant used in treatments for the childhood condition attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder can trigger painful, long-lasting erections in rare cases.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Physicians should be aware of signs of burnout

(HealthDay)—Burnout can be prevented if physicians are aware of the warning signs, according to an article published by the American Medical Association.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Dealing with the psychological aftermath of Hurricane Harvey

Flood water eventually will recede from Houston and its surrounding areas, but the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey will remain fresh for those impacted by the storm. While moving forward after a disaster like Harvey is difficult, ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Can we predict who will become mass shooters?

The Orlando nightclub attack on June 12 was among the deadliest in American history, and it was the 133rd mass shooting to take place in the United States in 2016 alone.


Could your smart watch alert you to risk of sudden death?

Researchers have developed an algorithm that could ultimately enable smart watches to alert wearers to potentially deadly changes in their heart rhythm. The research, presented at the British Cardiovascular Society conference, ...

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