
Avoid ice baths for repairing or building muscle after exercise

Successful athletes such as Andy Murray and Jessica Ennis-Hill are known for using ice baths after exercise, however new research has thrown cold water on this strategy. New research suggests that ice baths aren't helpful ...


Running in the summer? Follow these tips to avoid dehydration

Running season is here, and athletes of all levels need to watch their water intake. Dehydration, a risk that increases in warmer weather, can reduce mental activity and physical coordination, as well as contribute to fatigue, ...


Drinking water? There's an app for that

The human body is well equipped to maintain an adequate level of hydration through the various biological feedback control mechanisms of homeostasis. However, this regulation relies on an adequate supply of water. While there ...


Hong Kong's waters benefit health and wellbeing

A ground-breaking study has revealed how spending time in and around Hong Kong's 'blue spaces' (harbours, coastlines and beaches) is linked to better health and wellbeing, especially for older adults.


Beat the heat on your summer vacation

(HealthDay)—Before you head out for a sunny summer getaway, get familiar with the signs of heat-related illnesses. Once at your destination, build in time for your body to adjust to the climate.

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