
Method using tarp to cool person with heat stroke is effective

A team of University of Arkansas researchers has found that, if a tub of ice water is not available for cooling someone who is suffering from exertional heat stroke, making a "taco" out of a tarp to immerse the person in ...


Healthy blood flow is more important than you may know

When UC San Diego bioengineering professor emeritus Shu Chien reminds you that it's a good idea to get up, move, and get your blood flowing, he knows exactly what he is talking about. In fact, Chien has led research teams ...


Avoid ice baths for repairing or building muscle after exercise

Successful athletes such as Andy Murray and Jessica Ennis-Hill are known for using ice baths after exercise, however new research has thrown cold water on this strategy. New research suggests that ice baths aren't helpful ...

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