
New study examines window fall-related injuries among youth

Windows are a part of everyday life for children in the United States. While many parents know that windows can be a hazard for their child, they may not be aware just how often things can take a turn for the worse.


Study offers hope for preventing cerebral palsy

Severe brain injury that develops slowly after preterm births, causing cerebral palsy, may be treatable, new research from the University of Auckland finds.


Insulin is necessary for repairing olfactory neurons

Researchers have known for some time that insulin plays a vital role in regeneration and growth in some types of neurons that relay environmental sensory information to our brains, such as sight. However, they know relatively ...


Could time limits on opioid prescriptions reduce misuse?

Most people who get a prescription for opioid painkillers to ease the pain of an operation or dental procedure fill it right away. But a new study shows that some fill these prescriptions more than a month later—long after ...


Study details brain damage triggered by mini-strokes

A new study appearing today in the Journal of Neuroscience details for the first time how "mini-strokes" cause prolonged periods of brain damage and result in cognitive impairment. These strokes, which are often imperceptible, ...

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