Medical research

Researcher studies worms to reveal the fountain of youth

In 2010, when President Barack Obama spoke at Northeastern in support of Martha Coakely's gubernatorial bid, he looked markedly different from the candidate we'd seen on the campaign trail just two years earlier: His black ...

Medical research

Human tape worm drug shows promise against MRSA in lab

A new study provides evidence from lab experiments that a drug already used in people to fight tapeworms might also prove effective against strains of the superbug MRSA, which kills thousands of people a year in the United ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

New test better detects elephantiasis worm infection

A new diagnostic test for a worm infection that can lead to severe enlargement and deformities of the legs and genitals is far more sensitive than the currently used test, according to results of a field study in Liberia, ...

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