Medical research

Right combination of sugars regulates brain development in worms

If the development of our nervous system is disturbed, we risk developing serious neurological diseases, impairing our sensory systems, movement control or cognitive functions. This is true for all organisms with a well-developed ...

Medical research

Mitochondrial process may predict lifespan of organisms

The complexity in biology is astounding. That is why biologists are thankful that model organisms, like the roundworm Caenorhabditis elegans, can be used to breakdown biological processes into simpler units.

Medical research

What metabolism could reveal about aging and mortality

Why some people live much longer than others is an enduring mystery. Now, based on a study of a worm, scientists are getting one step closer to understanding longevity. They report in ACS' Journal of Proteome Research that ...


Feast or forage: Study finds circuit that helps a brain decide

MIT neuroscientists have discovered the elegant architecture of a fundamental decision-making brain circuit that allows a C. elegans worm to either forage for food or stop to feast when it finds a source. Capable of integrating ...

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