Medical research

Worms reveal why melatonin promotes sleep

Melatonin is used as a dietary supplement to promote sleep and get over jet lag, but nobody really understands how it works in the brain. Now, researchers at UConn Health show that melatonin helps worms sleep, too, and they ...

Medical research

C. elegans study finds mRNA balance in cells influences lifespan

Why do some people live for longer than others? The genes in our DNA sequence are important, helping avoid disease or maintain general health, but differences in our genome sequence alone explain less than 30% of the natural ...


'Worm pill' could ease autoimmune disease symptoms

(Medical Xpress)—Experts believe a molecule in parasitic worms could help explain why worm infections can effectively treat a range of autoimmune diseases, including multiple sclerosis, psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis and ...


Neuron death in ALS more complex than previously thought

Brown University researchers have uncovered new clues about the progression of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), a surprisingly common disease that causes the death of motor neurons that control voluntary muscles such ...


How the brain balances risk-taking and learning

If you had 10 chances to roll a die, would you rather be guaranteed to receive $5 for every roll ($50 total) or take the risk of winning $100 if you only roll a six?

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Tiny worm mimics key genetic risk for Alzheimer's

Researchers at The University of Alabama have shown a tiny worm can replicate genetic causes of Alzheimer's disease, expanding the breadth of preclinical models for the disease.

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