Medical research

Levels of protein SIRT6 appear to impact lifespan of mice

(Medical Xpress) -- Researchers in Israel have found that genetically altering male mice to cause them to express more of the protein SIRT6 allowed them to live up to fifteen percent longer. Haim Cohen and colleagues at Bar-Ilan ...


Genomic detectives crack the case of the missing heritability

(Medical Xpress)—Despite years of research, the genetic factors behind many human diseases and characteristics remain unknown. The inability to find the complete genetic causes of family traits such as height or the risk ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

New drug formulation could treat Candida infections

With antimicrobial resistance (AMR) increasing around the world, new research led by the University of Bristol has shown a new drug formulation could possibly be used in antifungal treatments against Candida infections.


Yeast found in babies' guts increases risk of asthma

University of British Columbia microbiologists have found a yeast in the gut of new babies in Ecuador that appears to be a strong predictor that they will develop asthma in childhood. The new research furthers our understanding ...

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